Samson li



Portfolio (work in progress!)

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About me

Samson Li is a Vancouver native who wears many hats, including sound design, child and youth care work, and community management. He is currently employed as both a community manager at a tech startup accelerator and a youth worker. Samson's passion for teaching, creating, and playing is evident in his diverse skill set.

When he's not busy with work, Samson indulges in his love for video games. He is well-versed in all platforms, from PC to Playstation to mobile, and enjoys keeping up with industry trends and exploring various game genres. In his free time, he also enriches himself by watching educational YouTube videos and listening to informative podcasts.

Samson's latest venture, "Grow Up Level Up," is a passion project aimed at chronicling the life experiences of his acquaintances and beyond. This project is inspired by Samson's love for play and his belief that it is an essential life skill and experience.

My projects

"Grow Up, Level Up" podcast explores the transformative power of childhood games and how they shape our careers, hobbies, and lifestyles, inspiring listeners to embrace their inner child and recognize the valuable role that play can continue to play in their lives.